Gospel Life Church is a growing community of believers in
Middletown, Delaware.

What is Gospel Life?

Simply, Gospel means “good news”.  So what is the “good news” about Jesus?  Jesus is the Son of God who, out of love for all humanity, came to earth as a baby, grew up facing all of the temptations and challenges of life, did so without committing any sin, sacrificed himself on a Roman cross as the only worthy and permanent sacrifice for the sins of mankind, was buried in a tomb for three days, and came back to life demonstrating his power over death and his relationship with God.  This overwhelming act of love offers forgiveness and redemption to all who confess their sin. 


The gospel restores an individual’s relationship with God that had been broken by their sin.

The gospel reminds us that Jesus died to redeem all of us - not just the parts we want, but the parts we need.  The love of God informs and transforms our attitudes, worldview, habits, and character.

The gospel keeps the mission at the forefront - the gospel is for everyone, so share it!


“Gospel Life Church is a family of believers whose lives are continually being transformed by the Gospel of
Jesus Christ.”

Gospel Life Church Mission

Sundays, 10:00 am

MOT Charter High School

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